What return on investment can you achieve?

A single AI Robot can make your employee 2 to 5 times more efficient.

Number of FTEs
Annual FTE cost
Saved time [%]
Your 3-year savings

FTE cost refers to the expense associated with the labor that AI robots are intended to replace or augment, expressed in terms of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) units. This cost calculation helps organizations understand the financial aspect of substituting or supplementing human labor with AI robots by quantifying the savings in labor costs. For example, if an AI robot can perform the work of three full-time employees, the FTE cost would be the combined salaries, benefits, and any additional expenses related to those three positions. This metric is crucial for evaluating the Return on Investment (ROI) of AI robot projects, as it allows businesses to compare the cost of maintaining human employees versus the investment and operational costs of deploying AI robots. Understanding FTE costs in this context aids decision-makers in justifying the adoption of AI technology by highlighting potential cost efficiencies and productivity gains.